Fabiana Olsen

Fabiana Olsen
21423 Winsen (Luhe)
Private lessons, Concerts, Try out handpans, Trial lessons, Workshops

Fabiana has been playing handpan for several years. As a music teacher for handpan at the Winsen music school, she regularly offers introductory workshops as well as lessons.

Fabiana Olsen Handpan Workshop

Infos for trying out handpans

Are you interested in a Handpan and would like to come and try it out? The best way to find the right handpan is to touch it yourself, try it out and discover what you like! At Fabiana Olsen in Winsen (Luhe) you have the opportunity to test handpans from our range and take part in regular handpan workshops.

Request an appointment for trying out handpans

Please let us know beforehand, which models you are interested in, and we will make sure, that they are there when you come in to try them out.

In our privacy policy you will find infos, about how we handle your data.